C122-E003-02EN 5-1
CHAPTER 5 Web-UI Operations
The PSA is a system management application that runs on the OS for each partition
on PRIMEQUEST series machines. This chapter describes use of MMB Web-UI for
PSA operations by providing a list of menus and describing screens and the
Clicking [Partition] → [Partition #x] → [PSA] menu from the MMB Web-UI
navigation bar displays the initial screen of the [Partition Information] window.
Under any of the following conditions, however, the [Partition Information] window
is not displayed and the content area displays a message indicating that the partition or
PSA is not operating:
- PSA is not installed in the partition.
- The partition OS is not running.
- PSA is not running.
- A management LAN setting is not correct.
z Component status display and background color
The PSA window displays the status of components belonging to the partition. The
component status is indicated by text and displayed against a specific background
color for easy identification, as shown in the following table.
Table 5.1 Component status and background colors
z Display for items whose values cannot be obtained
The PSA window displays "n.a." for any item whose value is unknown.
z [Refresh] button
OK White Warning Yellow
Not-present Gray Degraded Yellow
Error Red Unknown White