C122-E003-02EN 7-59
7.6 Port Menu Source Port window
The [Source Port] window specifies the monitored ports. You cannot specify a
channel group for a port to be monitored.
If mirroring is enabled in the [Destination Port] window, "(Destination)" is displayed
for the interface number specified as a target.
Figure 7.33 [Source Port] window
Table 7.62 Displayed and setting items in the [Source Port] window
Table 7.63 Buttons in the [Source Port] window
Item Description
Interface Interface
Source Port Specify the source port setting:
• Enable: Set as the source port
• Disable (default): Not set as the source port
Direction Specify the traffic direction:
• Rx: Incoming traffic
• Tx: Outgoing traffic
• Both (default): Bidirectional traffic
Button Description
Help Displays the Help window.
Apply Sets the specified values.
Cancel Closes the window without saving the change.