C122-E003-02EN 5-51
5.13 Export List Window
• Downloading an export file to your terminal
1 Select the radio button of the file to be exported (only one can be selected),
and click the [Download] button.
The [Download File] dialog box opens.
2 Click the [Save] button in the [Download File] dialog box.
The [Save As] dialog box opens.
3 In the [Save As] dialog box, specify a file name (with csv as the file type) and
click the [Save] button.
A CSV file is downloaded to the specified location, and the [Download
Completed] message box is displayed.
4 Click the button in the [Download Completed] message box to close the
message box.
The [Export List] window is displayed again. The [Export List] window
displays the latest information.
• Deleting export files from the management domain in the partition
1 Either click the [Delete All] button or select the radio button of the file to be
deleted (only one can be selected), and click the [Delete] button.
The [Confirm Deletion] dialog box opens.
2 Click the [OK] button in the [Confirm Deletion] dialog box.
When the file or all files are successfully deleted, the [Export List] window is
displayed again. The [Export List] window displays the latest information.
If deletion fails, the [Deletion Failed] dialog box opens.
3 Click the [OK] button in the [Deletion Failed] dialog box.
The [Export List] window is displayed again.
Note: When an attempt is made to download an export file to the terminal, the
following message will be displayed if the file has already been deleted.
In this event, choose [Export List] from the menu again to redisplay the list.