8-120 C122-E003-02EN
CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations
• Input parameter duplicate error.
Cause: Duplicated registration of the same user name was attempted.
Action: Check the user names already registered.
• Set count over.
Cause: Registration exceeding the maximum 8 people was attempted.
Action: Check the number of registered entries.
• Entry isn’t existed.
Cause: Deleting an unregistered user name was attempted.
Action: Check the user names already registered. snmp-server host
This command specifies the host whose MIB information is to be acquired or
z The port number used for accessing MIB information is always 161.
z The maximum number of hosts that can be set is 8.
z Hosts with the same IP address but different SNMP versions can be registered
(1) Synopsis
• Specifies the host whose MIB information is to be acquired/manipulated
• Deletes the specified host
snmp-server host < host-address > version { 1 | 2c } <community-string>
{ro | rw }
no snmp-server host <host-address> version { 1 | 2c }