C122-E003-02EN 8-7
8.1 Basic CLI Operations
Table 8.4 Error messages of the configuration definition commands Special input format and display format
• Function keys
The following input has special functions in configuration definition editing:
z Pressing the [Ctrl]+[c] keys
If they are pressed during execution of a configuration definition command, the
system returns to the prompt without waiting for the command to be completed.
z Pressing the [Ctrl]+[v] keys
If the [?] key is pressed next, "?" is entered as a character without displaying help
z Pressing the [Ctrl]+[z] keys
This terminates the configure command.
z Pressing the [!] key
If "cr" is entered next, a transition occurs to the configuration mode one layer
• Characters handled as special characters
Since the configuration definition commands consider the following characters to be
special characters, their input and display formats differ from those for ordinary
{ } = # ! " \ ? <tab> <line feed> <space>
Error message Cause Action to be taken
% Incomplete command. Invalid command entered Enter a correct command
% Invalid input detected at
'^' marker.
Invalid character detected at
the '^' marker in the command
input string
Enter a correct command
% Unrecognized command An invalid command was
entered. "?" is in the middle of
the entered string.
Check the entered command.
% Ambiguous command:
XXX: Entered command
An unrecognizable command
abbreviation was entered (e.g.,
open c ?).
Check the entered command.
No Memory Insufficient memory Restart the device.
Fatal error A fatal error occurred. Restart the device. Replace the