IXP42X Product Line of Network Processors and IXC1100 Control Plane Processor
September 2006 DM
Order Number: 252480-006US 379
Internal Bus Performance Monitoring Unit (IBPMU)—Intel
IXP42X product line and IXC1100
control plane processors
Bits Name Description
31:23 (Reserved). Always zero
22:20 PEC1 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC1.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the mode and which type of event is selected.
19:17 PEC2 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC2.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the mode and which type of event is selected.
16:14 PEC3 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC3.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the mode and which type of event is selected.
13:11 PEC4 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC4.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the mode and which type of event is selected.
10:8 PEC5 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC5.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the Mode and which type of event is selected.
7:5 PEC6 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC6.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the mode and which type of event is selected.
4:2 PEC7 ctrl
Selects Enable conditions for counter PEC7.
0xx = Occur / Hit
1xx = Duration / Miss
Note: The lower two bits select one of four event or duration inputs
depending on the mode and which type of event is selected.
1:0 Mode
Value in this bit field determines the monitored interface on the Intel
product line and IXC1100 control plane processors.
00 = Mode HaltPerformance Monitoring Disabled
01 = Mode SouthAHB South Bus events
10 = Mode NorthAHB North Bus events
11 = Mode SDRAMSDRAM transactions