Intel Processor Computer Hardware User Manual

13-8 March, 2003 Developers Manual
80200 Processor based on Intel
Software Debug
13.5.2 Monitor Mode
In monitor mode, the processor handles debug exceptions like normal ARM exceptions. If debug
functionality is enabled (DCSR[31] = 1) and the processor is in Monitor mode, debug exceptions
cause either a data abort or a pre-fetch abort.
The following debug exceptions cause data aborts:
data breakpoint
external debug break
trace-buffer full break
The following debug exceptions cause pre-fetch aborts:
instruction breakpoint
BKPT instruction
The processor ignores vector traps during monitor mode.
When an exception occurs in monitor mode, the processor takes the following actions:
disables the trace buffer
sets encoding
sets FSR[9]
R14_abt = PC of the next instruction to execute + 4 (for Data Aborts)
R14_abt = PC of the faulting instruction + 4 (for Prefetch Aborts)
CPSR[4:0] = 0b10111 (ABORT mode)
CPSR[5] = 0
CPSR[6] = unchanged
CPSR[7] = 1
PC = 0xc (for Prefetch Aborts),
PC = 0x10 (for Data Aborts)
During abort mode, external debug breaks and trace buffer full breaks are internally pended. When
the processor exits abort mode, either through a CPSR restore or a write directly to the CPSR, the
pended debug breaks immediately generate a debug exception. Any pending debug breaks are
cleared out when any type of debug exception occurs.
When exiting, the debug handler should do a CPSR restore operation that branches to the next
instruction to be executed in the program under debug.