C33 Core Block
The C33 Core Block consists of a functional block C33_CORE including CPU, BCU (Bus Control Unit), ITC
(Interrupt Controller), CLG (Clock Generator) and DBG (Debug Unit), an I/O pad block for external
interface, and an SBUS (Internal Silicon Integration Bus) for interfacing with on-chip Peripheral Macro Cells.
The C33 Core Block employs the S1C33000 32-bit RISC type CPU as the core CPU.
C33 Peripheral Block
The C33 Peripheral Block consists of a prescaler, six channels of 8-bit programmable timer, six channels of
16-bit programmable timer including watchdog timer function, four channels of serial interface, input and I/O
ports, and a clock timer.
C33 Analog Block
The C33 Analog Block consists of an A/D converter with eight input channels.
C33 DMA Block
The C33 DMA Block is configured with two types of DMA controllers: HSDMA (High-Speed DMA) that
has on-chip registers for controlling DMA command information and IDMA (Intelligent DMA) that uses a
memory area for storing DMA command information.
C33 SDRAM Controller Block
The SDRAM Controller Block provides a SDRAM interface that allows direct connection of external
SDRAM chips via the BCU.
C33 LCD Controller Block
The LCD Controller Block provides LCD control signals for a 4- or 8-bit color/monochrome LCD panel.
C33 Memory Block
The S1C33L03 contains an 8KB of SRAM as the internal memory.
For details of the blocks, refer to the respective section in this manual.