8.4 Current Consumption
1) 3.3 V power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=2.7V to 5.5V, VDD=2.7V to 3.6V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit ∗
Operating current IDD1 When CPU is operating 20MHz – 27 35 mA 1
33MHz – 45 60
50MHz – 65 85
IDD2 HALT mode 20MHz – 13 16 mA 2
33MHz – 22 30
50MHz – 30 40
IDD3 HALT2 mode 20MHz – 6 8 mA 3
33MHz – 9 12
50MHz – 14 18
IDD4 SLEEP mode – 1 30 µA 4
Clock timer operating current IDDCT When clock timer only is operating
OSC1 oscillation: 32kHz
2) 2.0 V power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=VDD=2.0V±0.2V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit ∗
Operating current IDD1 When CPU is operating 20MHz – 14 18 mA 1
IDD2 HALT mode 20MHz – 7 10 mA 2
IDD3 HALT2 mode 20MHz – 2.5 4 mA 3
IDD4 SLEEP mode – 1 30 µA 4
Clock timer operating current IDDCT When clock timer only is operating
OSC1 oscillation: 32kHz
3) Analog power current
(Unless otherwise specified: VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit ∗
A/D converter operating current AIDD1 VDD=3.6V, VDDE=AVDDE=5.0V±0.5V – 800 1400 µA 6
VDD=VDDE=AVDDE=2.7V to 3.6V – 500 800
4) LCD controller operating current
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=2.7V to 5.5V, VDD=2.7V to 3.6V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit ∗
LCD controller operating current LIDD1 Display resolution = 320 × 240, 1bpp
LIDD2 Display resolution = 320 × 240, 1bpp
Current consumption measurement condition: VIH=VDD, VIL=0V, output pins are open, VDDE current is not included
∗ note)
No. OSC3 OSC1 CPU Clock timer Other peripheral circuits ∗2
1On Off Normal operation ∗1Stop Stop
2On Off HALT mode Stop Stop
3On Off HALT2 mode Stop Stop
4Off Off SLEEP mode Stop Stop
5Off On HALT mode Run Stop
6On Off HALT mode Stop A/D converter only operated,
conversion clock frequency=2MHz
∗1:The values of current consumption while the CPU is operating were measured when a test program that
consists of 55% load instructions, 23% arithmetic operation instructions, 1% mac instruction, 12% branch
instructions and 9% ext instruction is being executed in the built-in ROM continuously.
∗2:The LCD controller is included.