Epson S1C33L03 Laptop User Manual

SRAM read cycle
1) 3.3 V/5.0 V dual power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=5.0V±0.5V, VDD=2.7V to 3.6V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Read signal delay time (2) tRDD2 8ns
Read signal pulse width tRDW tCYC(0.5+WC)-8 ns
Read address access time (1) tACC1 tCYC(1+WC)-20 ns
Chip enable access time (1) tCEAC1 tCYC(1+WC)-20 ns
Read signal access time (1) tRDAC1 tCYC(0.5+WC)-20 ns
2) 3.3 V single power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=VDD=2.7V to 3.6V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Read signal delay time (2) tRDD2 10 ns
Read signal pulse width tRDW tCYC(0.5+WC)-10 ns
Read address access time (1) tACC1 tCYC(1+WC)-25 ns
Chip enable access time (1) tCEAC1 tCYC(1+WC)-25 ns
Read signal access time (1) tRDAC1 tCYC(0.5+WC)-25 ns
3) 2.0 V single power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=VDD=2.0V±0.2V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Read signal delay time (2) tRDD2 10 ns
Read signal pulse width tRDW tCYC(0.5+WC)-10 ns
Read address access time (1) tACC1 tCYC(1+WC)-60 ns
Chip enable access time (1) tCEAC1 tCYC(1+WC)-60 ns
Read signal access time (1) tRDAC1 tCYC(0.5+WC)-60 ns
SRAM write cycle
1) 3.3 V/5.0 V dual power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=5.0V±0.5V, VDD=2.7V to 3.6V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Write signal delay time (2) tWRD2 8ns
Write signal pulse width tWRW tCYC(1+WC)-10 ns
2) 3.3 V single power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=VDD=2.7V to 3.6V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Write signal delay time (2) tWRD2 10 ns
Write signal pulse width tWRW tCYC(1+WC)-10 ns
3) 2.0 V single power source
(Unless otherwise specified: VDDE=VDD=2.0V±0.2V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40°C to +85°C)
Item Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Write signal delay time (2) tWRD2 20 ns
Write signal pulse width tWRW tCYC(1+WC)-20 ns