Epson S1C33L03 Laptop User Manual

LPWREN: Enable LCDPWR (D4) / LCDC mode register 2 (0x39FFE3)
Enables LCDPWR output control by the LCD controller.
Write "1": Enabled
Write "0": Disabled
Read: Valid
When LPWREN is set to "1", the LCDPWR output is controlled by the LCD controller’s power-up/down sequence,
allowing the power to the LCD panel to be turned ON or OFF using that signal. When LPWREN is set to "0", the
LCDPWR pin is fixed low.
At initial reset, LPWREN is set to "0" (disabled).
LPSAVE[1:0]: Power-save mode (D[1:0]) / LCDC mode register 2 (0x39FFE3)
Selects power-save mode.
Table 2.24 Settings of Power-Save Modes
00Power-save mode
10Doze mode
11Normal operation
When placed in power-save mode, the LCD controller executes a power-down sequence; when taken out of power-
save mode, the LCD controller executes a power-up sequence (for details, refer to "Controlling LCD Power
Up/Down"). Doze mode can only be selected when Epson’s MLS LCD drivers are used.
At initial reset, LPSAVE is set to "0b00" (power-save mode).
LDHSIZE[5:0]: Horizontal panel size (D[5:0]) / Horizontal panel size register (0x39FFE4)
Sets the horizontal resolution of the LCD panel in 16-pixel units. Set the value obtained using the equation below.
Horizontal resolution (in pixels)
LDHSIZE[5:0] = —————————————— - 1
For an LCD panel with a horizontal resolution of 320 dots, for example, set 19 (= 0x13) in LDHSIZE. Do not set
any value less than 1 in this register.
At initial reset, LDHSIZE is set to "0x0".
LDVSIZE[9:0]: Vertical panel size (D[9:0]) / Vertical panel size register (D[1:0]/0x39FFE6, 0x39FFE5)
Sets the vertical resolution of the LCD panel in units of lines. Set the value obtained using the equation below.
LDVSIZE[9:0] = Vertical resolution (in lines) - 1
For an LCD panel with a vertical resolution of 240 lines, for example, set 239 (= 0xEF) in LDVSIZE.
At initial reset, LDVSIZE is set to "0x0".
HNDP[4:0]: Horizontal non-display period (D[4:0]) / Horizontal non-display period register (0x39FFE7)
Sets the horizontal non-display period in 8-pixel units. Set the value obtained using the equation below.
Horizontal non-display period (in pixels)
HNDP[4:0] = —————————————————— - 4
At initial reset, HNDP is set to "0x0".
VNDP[5:0]: Vertical non-display period (D[5:0]) / Vertical non-display period register (0x39FFEA)
Sets the vertical non-display period in units of lines. Set the value obtained using the equation below.
VNDP[5:0] = Vertical non-display period (in lines)
At initial reset, VNDP is set to "0x0".