Specifying Destinations Using the New Address Tab
Basic Sending Methods
Sending Documents to Yourself
If SDL or the Local Device Authentication user authentication system of SSO is set
as the login service, you can press [Send to Myself] to specify your e-mail address
(registered in SDL or the Local Device Authentication user authentication system of
SSO) as the destination.
If SDL or the Local Device Authentication system of SSO is set as the login service, your
e-mail address registered in SDL or the Local Device Authentication system of SSO is
set as the destination.
If the Domain Authentication system of SSO (including when performing domain
authentication with the 'Domain Authentication + Local Device Authentication' system) is
set as the login service, your e-mail address registered in Active Directory or
imageWARE Accounting Manager is set as the destination.
For more information on the SDL and SSO login services, see Chapter 2, "Basic
Operations," in the Reference Guide.
Press [New Addresses] ➞ [Send to Myself].