Table 8.3-1 Functions of Low-power Consumption Mode Control Register (LPMCR)
Bit name Function
bit7 STP:
Stop mode bit
This bit transits to the stop mode.
When the bit is set to "0": No effect.
When the bit is set to "1":
The CPU enters the stop mode.
Read: "0" is always read.
• The bit is initialized to "0" when a reset or external interrupt occurs.
bit6 SLP:
Sleep mode bit
This bit shift to sleep mode
When the bit is set to "0": No effect.
When the bit is set to "1": The CPU enters the sleep mode.
"0" is always read.
• The bit is initialized to "0" when a reset or external interrupt occurs.
• When the STP and SLP bits are set to "1" at the same time, the STP bit
supersedes the SLP bit, causing a transition to stop mode.
bit5 SPL:
Pin state specification bit
The bit is used to set the state of input/output pins after transition to the stop
mode, watch mode, or timebase timer mode.
When the bit is set to "0": The current level of input/output pins is held.
When the bit is set to "1":
The I/O pins enter a high impedance state.
• The bit is initialized to "0" at a reset.
bit4 RST:
Internal reset signal
generation bit
This bit generates software reset.
When the bit is set to "0": An internal reset signal for three machine cycles
is generated.
When the bit is set to "1":
No effect
Read: "1" is always read.
bit3 TMD:
Watch mode bit
This bit shift to watch mode or timebase timer mode
When the bit is set to "0": If the main clock mode or PLL clock mode is
used, the bit transits to the timebase timer mode.
If the sub-clock mode is used, the bit transits to
the watch mode.
When the bit is set to "1": No effect
• The bit is set to "1" when a reset or interrupt occurs.
Read: "1" is always read.
CG1, CG0:
CPU suspended cycle
number select bits
These bits are used to set the halt cycle count of the CPU clock in the CPU
intermittent operation mode.
• Any reset causes the bit to return to the reset value.
bit0 Reserved: reserved bit Always set this bit to "0".