■ Last Event Indicator Register (LEIR)
Table 21.4-4 Function of Each Bit of the Last Event Indicator Register (LEIR) (1 / 2)
Bit Name Function
bit7 NTE:
Node status transition
event bit
When this bit is 1, node status transition is the last event.
This bit is set to 1 after set either of bit of the control status register to "1"
• This setting is not related to the setting of NIE bit of the control status register
At Write:
"0": Cleared
"1": No effect
At read by the instruction of the read-modify-write type:
Always read "1".
bit6 TCE:
Transmit completion
event bit
When this bit is 1, it indicates that transmit completion is the last event.
This bit is set to 1 after set either of bit of the transmit completion register to "1"
• This setting is not related to the setting of the transmit interrupt enable register
• When this bit is "1", MBP3 to MBP0 bits show the message buffer number (x) to
complete the transmission of the message in the last event.
At Write:
"0": Cleared
"1": No effect
At read by the instruction of the read-modify-write type:
Always read "1".
bit5 RCE:
Receive completion
event bit
When this bit is 1, it indicates that receive completion is the last event.
This bit is set to 1 after set either of bit of the receive complete register to "1"
• This setting is not related to the setting of the receive interrupt enable register
• When this bit is "1", MBP3 to MBP0 bits show the message buffer number (x) to
complete the transmission of the message in the last event.
At Write:
"0": Cleared
"1": No effect
At read by the instruction of the read-modify-write type:
Always read "1".
bit4 Undefined bit When reading: The value is undefined.
When writing: No effect