Fujitsu F2MCTM-16LX Computer Hardware User Manual

CPU-independent automatic data transfer function
Extended intelligent I/O service (EI
OS): Maximum 16 channels
Lower-power consumption (standby) modes
Sleep mode (stops CPU clock)
Timebase timer mode (operates only oscillation clock and subclock, timebase timer and watch timer)
Watch mode (product without S-suffix operates only subclock and watch timer)
Stop mode (stops oscillation clock and subclock)
CPU intermittent operation mode
CMOS Technology
I/O ports
General-purpose I/O ports (CMOS output)
- 34 ports (product without S-suffix)
- 36 ports (product with S-suffix)
Subclock pin (X0A, X1A)
Yes (external oscillator used) ... products without S-suffix
No (subclock mode is used with internal CR oscillation) ... product with S-suffix
Timebase timer, watch timer (product without S-suffix), watchdog timer: 1 channel
8-/16-bit PPG timer: 8 bits × 4 channels or 16 bits × 2 channels
16-bit reload timer: 2 channels
16-bit I/O timer
- 16-bit free-run timer: 1 channel (FRT0: ICU0/1/2/3)
- 16-bit input capture (ICU): 4 channels
Full-CAN* CAN Controller: 1 channel
Conforms to CAN Specification Ver. 2.0A and Ver. 2.0B.
Built-in 16 message buffers
CAN wake up
UART (LIN/SCI): Maximum 2 channels
Full-duplex double buffer
Clock asynchronous or clock synchronous serial transfer
DTP/external interrupt: 8 channels, CAN wake up: 1 channel
External input to start EI
OS and generate external interrupt