Fujitsu F2MCTM-16LX Computer Hardware User Manual

Supply of Operation Clock
The timebase timer supplies an operation clock to the PPG timers and the watchdog timer.
Clearing the timebase timer counter may affect the operation of the resources such as the watchdog
timer and PPG timers using the output of the timebase timer.
For details on the PPG timer, see "CHAPTER 16 8-/16-BIT PPG TIMER".
For details on the watchdog timer, see "CHAPTER 12 WATCHDOG TIMER".
Table 11.5-1 Clearing Conditions and Oscillation Stabilization Wait Time of Timebase
Timer (2/2)
Operation Counter
Oscillation stabilization wait time
Cancellation of stop modes
Cancellation of main stop mode ❍❍Transition to main clock mode after
oscillation stabilization wait time of
main clock completed
Cancellation of PLL stop mode ❍❍Transition to PLL clock mode after
oscillation stabilization wait time of
main clock completed
Cancellation of sub-stop mode ✕✕Transition to sub clock mode after
oscillation stabilization wait time of
sub clock completed
Cancellation of watch mode
Cancellation of sub-watch mode ✕✕None
Cancellation of timebase timer modes
Return to main clock mode ✕✕None
Return to sub clock mode ✕✕None
Return to PLL clock mode ✕✕None
Cancellation of sleep modes
Cancellation of main sleep mode ✕✕None
Cancellation of sub-sleep mode ✕✕None
Cancellation of PLL sleep mode ✕✕None