Intel 386 Computer Hardware User Manual

Intel’s FaxBack* service and application BBS provide up-to-date technical information. Intel also
maintains several forums on CompuServe and offers a variety of information on the World Wide
Web. These systems are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing technical information
whenever you need it.
1.5.1 FaxBack Service
FaxBack is an on-demand publishing system that sends documents to your fax machine. You can
get product announcements, change notifications, product literature, device characteristics, de-
sign recommendations, and quality and reliability information from FaxBack 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
1-800-525-3019 (US or Canada)
+44-1793-432509 (Europe)
+65-256-5350 (Singapore)
+852-2-844-4448 (Hong Kong)
+886-2-514-0815 (Taiwan)
+822-767-2594 (Korea)
+61-2-975-3922 (Australia)
1-503-264-6835 (Worldwide)
Think of the FaxBack service as a library of technical documents that you can access with your
phone. Just dial the telephone number and respond to the system prompts. After you select a doc-
ument, the system sends a copy to your fax machine.
Each document has an order number and is listed in a subject catalog. The first time you use Fax-
Back, you should order the appropriate subject catalogs to get a complete list of document order
numbers. Catalogs are updated twice monthly. In addition, daily update catalogs list the title, sta-
tus, and order number of each document that has been added, revised, or deleted during the past
eight weeks. To receive the update for a subject catalog, enter the subject catalog number fol-
lowed by a zero. For example, for the complete microcontroller and flash catalog, request docu-
ment number 2; for the daily update to the microcontroller and flash catalog, request document
number 20.
The following catalogs and information are available at the time of publication:
1. Solutions OEM subscription form
2. Microcontroller and flash catalog
3. Development tools catalog
4. Systems catalog
5. Multimedia catalog
6. Multibus and iRMX
software catalog and BBS file listings