IBM SA14-2339-04 Personal Computer User Manual

Instruction Set 9-5
9.3.1 Operator Precedence
Table 9-2 lists the pseudocode operators and their associativity in descending order of precedence:
9.4 Register Usage
Each instruction description lists the registers altered by the instruction. Some register changes are
explicitly detailed in the instruction description (for example, the target register of a load instruction).
Other registers are changed, with the details of the change not included in the instruction description.
This category frequently includes the Condition Register (CR) and the Fixed-point Exception Register
(XER). For discussion of the CR, see “Condition Register (CR)” on page 2-10. For discussion of XER,
see “Fixed Point Exception Register (XER)” on page 2-7.
9.5 Alphabetical Instruction Listing
The following pages list the instructions available in the PPC405 core in alphabetical order.
Table 9-2. Operator Precedence
Operators Associativity
, REG[FLD], function
Left to right
b Right to left
¬, – (unary minus) Right to left
×, ÷
Left to right
+, – Left to right
Left to right
, <, >, , Left to right
, Left to right
Left to right