9-82 PPC405 Core User’s Manual
Load Halfword and Zero with Update Indexed
Load Halfword and Zero with Update Indexed
EA ← (RA) + (RB)
← EA
0 || MS(EA,2)
An effective address (EA) is formed by adding an index to the base address in register RA. The index
is the contents of register RB. The EA is placed into register RA.
The halfword at the EA is extended to 32 bits by concatenating 16 0-bits to its left. The result is placed
into register RT.
If instruction bit 31 contains 1, the contents of CR[CR0] are undefined.
Registers Altered
Invalid Instruction Forms
• Reserved fields
• RA=0
Architecture Note
This instruction is part of the PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture.
lhzux RT, RA, RB
31 RT RA RB 311
0 6 11 16 21 31