9-114 PPC405 Core User’s Manual
Move From Time Base
Move From Time Base
(RT) ← (TBR(TBRN))
The contents of the time base register (TBR) specified by the TBRF field are placed into register RT.
The following table lists the TBRN and TBRF values.
If TBRN is a value other than those listed in the table, the results are boundedly undefined.
Registers Altered
Invalid Instruction Forms
• Reserved fields
• Invalid TBRF values
Programming Notes
The mnemonic mftb serves as both a hardware mnemonic and an extended mnemonic. The
assembler recognizes an mftb mnemonic having two operands as the hardware form; an mftb
mnemonic having one operand is recognized as the extended form.
The TBR number (TBRN) specified in the assembler language coding of the mftb instruction refers to
a TBR number listed in the preceding table. The assembler handles the unusual register number
encoding to generate the TBRF field.
mftb RT, TBRN
31 RT TBRF 371
0 6 11 21 31
Table 9-20. Extended Mnemonics for mftb
Mnemonic Register Name
TBRF AccessDecimal Hex
TBL Time Base Lower 268 0x10C 0x188 Read-only
TBU Time Base Upper 269 0x10D 0x1A8 Read-only