Index X-7
rotlw 9-150
rotlw. 9-150
rotlwi 9-148
rotlwi. 9-148
rotrwi 9-148
rotrwi. 9-148
slwi 9-148
slwi. 9-148
srwi 9-149
srwi. 9-149
sub 9-176
sub. 9-176
subc 9-177
subc. 9-177
subco 9-177
subco. 9-177
subi 9-9
subic 9-10
subic. 9-11
subis 9-12
subo 9-176
subo. 9-176
tblrehi 9-185
tblrelo 9-185
tblwehi 9-189
tblwelo 9-189
trap 9-191
tweq 9-191
tweqi 9-194
twge 9-191
twgei 9-194
twgle 9-191
twgt 9-191
twgti 9-194
twle 9-191
twlei 9-194
twlgei 9-194
twlgt 9-191
twlgti 9-194
twlle 9-192
twllei 9-194
twllt 9-192
twllti 9-194
twlng 9-192
twlngi 9-194
twlnl 9-192
twlnli 9-195
twlt 9-192
twlti 9-195
twne 9-192
twnei 9-195
twng 9-192
twngi 9-195
twnl 9-192
twnli 9-195
extended mnemonics for
tlbre 9-189
external interrupts
programming note 5-18
register settings 5-19
extlwi 9-148
extlwi. 9-148
extrwi 9-148
extrwi. 9-148
extsb 9-63
extsb. 9-63
DCU 4-1
ICU 4-1
fetcher, improved performance of 4-4
FIT 6-5
FIT (fixed interval timer)
interrupts, causes 5-23
interrupts, register settings 5-24
fixed interval timer 6-5
fixed interval timer.
Fixed Point Exception Register.
general interrupt handling registers, listed 5-7
general purpose registers.
GPR0-GPR31 10-26
GPRs (general purpose registers)
interrupt control instructions 2-41
overview 2-5
summary 1-9
guarded (G) storage attribute
controlled by SGR 7-20
preventing speculative accesses 2-27
virtual mode 7-6
I storage attribute.
caching inhibited (I) storage
IAC1-IAC4 10-22
, 10-27
IAC1–IAC4 8-9
icbi 9-65
data storage interrupts 7-17
function 4-9
icbt 9-66
data storage interrupts 7-17
function 4-9
iccci 9-67
function 4-9
when use not recommended 7-17
ICCR 10-28
ICCR (Instruction Cache Cachability Register)
controlling the I storage attribute 7-20
controls cachability 4-5
ICDBDR 10-30
ICDBDR (Instruction Cache Debug Data Register)
illustrated 4-14
, 10-30
programming note 4-15
icread 9-68
controlled by CCR0 4-11
function 4-9
programming note 4-15
ICU (instruction cache unit)
cachability control 4-5
cache line fills 4-4
coherency 4-6
features 4-1