Vol. 3 9-65
Table 9-18. Return Code Definitions
Return Code Value Description
SUCCESS 00H The function completed successfully.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED 86H The function is not implemented.
ERASE_FAILURE 90H A failure because of the inability to erase the storage
WRITE_FAILURE 91H A failure because of the inability to write the storage
READ_FAILURE 92H A failure because of the inability to read the storage
STORAGE_FULL 93H The BIOS non-volatile storage area is unable to
accommodate the update because all available update
blocks are filled with updates that are needed for
processors in the system.
CPU_NOT_PRESENT 94H The processor stepping does not currently exist in the
INVALID_HEADER 95H The update header contains a header or loader version
that is not recognized by the BIOS.
INVALID_HEADER_CS 96H The update does not checksum correctly.
SECURITY_FAILURE 97H The update was rejected by the processor.
INVALID_REVISION 98H The same or more recent revision of the update exists
in the storage device.
UPDATE_NUM_INVALID 99H The update number exceeds the maximum number of
update blocks implemented by the BIOS.
NOT_EMPTY 9AH The specified update block is a subsequent block in use
to store a valid microcode update that spans multiple
The specified block is not a header block and is not