Vol. 3 15-15
The Pentium 4 and Intel Xeon processors implement a variable number of
extended machine-check state MSRs. The MCG_EXT_P flag in the
IA32_MCG_CAP MSR indicates the presence of these extended registers,
and the MCG_EXT_CNT field indicates the number of these registers actually
implemented. See
Section, “IA32_MCG_CAP MSR.” Also see Table
In processors with support for Intel 64 architecture, 64-bit machine check
state MSRs are aliased to the legacy MSRs. In addition, there may be regis
ters beyond IA32_MCG_MISC. These may include up to five reserved MSRs
(IA32_MCG_RESERVED[1:5]) and save-state MSRs for registers introduced
in 64-bit mode. See
Table 15-5.
Table 15-4. Extended Machine Check State MSRs
in Processors Without Support for Intel 64 Architecture
MSR Address Description
IA32_MCG_EAX 180H Contains state of the EAX register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_EBX 181H Contains state of the EBX register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_ECX 182H Contains state of the ECX register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_EDX 183H Contains state of the EDX register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_ESI 184H Contains state of the ESI register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_EDI 185H Contains state of the EDI register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_EBP 186H Contains state of the EBP register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_ESP 187H Contains state of the ESP register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_EFLAGS 188H Contains state of the EFLAGS register at the time of the
machine-check error.
IA32_MCG_EIP 189H Contains state of the EIP register at the time of the machine-
check error.
IA32_MCG_MISC 18AH When set, indicates that a page assist or page fault occurred
during DS normal operation.