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Statistics registers
www.digiembedded.com 305
Receive FCS error
counter (A060
Incremented for each frame received with a length of 64 to 1518 bytes, and
containing a frame check sequence (FCS) error. FCS errors are not counted for VLAN
frames that exceed 1518 bytes or for any frames with dribble bits.
Receive multicast
packet counter
(A060 06A8)
Incremented for each good multicast frame with a length no greater than 1518
bytes (non-VLAN) or 1522 bytes (VLAN), excluding broadcast frames. This counter
does not look at range/length errors.
Receive broadcast
packet counter
(A060 06AC)
Incremented for each good broadcast frame with a length no greater than 1518
bytes (non-VLAN) or 1522 bytes (VLAN), excluding multicast frames. This counter
does not look at range/length errors.
Receive control
frame packet
counter (A060
Incremented for each MAC control frame received (PAUSE and unsupported).
Receive PAUSE
frame packet
counter (A060
Incremented each time a valid PAUSE control frame is received.
Receive unknown
OPCODE packet
counter (A060
Incremented each time a MAC control frame is received with an OPCODE other than
D17:00 R/W Reset = 0x00000 RPKT
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 RFCS
D31:18 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D17:00 R/W Reset = 0x00000 RMCA
D31:18 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D17:00 R/W Reset = 0x00000 RBCA
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 RXCF
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 RXPF
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 RBUO