I/O Control Module
The NS9215 ASIC contains 108 pins that are designated as general purpose I/O
The first 16 GPIO can be configured to serve one of five functions.
The remaining GPIO can be configured to serve one of four functions.
All signals set to a disabled peripheral are held in the inactive state. The I/O control
module contains the control register and multiplexing logic required to accomplish
this task.
System memory
bus I/O control
The registers in this section control these system memory I/O configuration options:
System chip select options, used to select which chip select is output
Upper address option
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Control and Status registers
The I/O control module configuration registers are located at base address
Register address
Address Description Access Reset value
A090_2000 GPIO Configuration Register #0 R/W 0x18181818
A090_2004 GPIO Configuration Register #1 R/W 0x18181818
A090_2008 GPIO Configuration Register #2 R/W 0x18181818