User’s Manual
Preliminary PPC440x5 CPU Core
September 12, 2002
Page 113 of 589
mficdbdr regC # move instruction information into GPR C
mficdbtrh regD # move high portion of tag into GPR D
mficdbtrl regE # move low portion of tag into GPR E
The following figures illustrate the ICDBDR, ICDBTRH, and ICDBTRL.
Figure 4-7. Instruction Cache Debug Data Register (ICDBDR)
0:31 Instruction machine code from instruction cache
Figure 4-8. Instruction Cache Debug Tag Register High (ICDBTRH)
0:23 Tag Effective Address
Bits 0:23 of the 32-bit effective address associated
with the cache line read by icread.
24 V
Cache Line Valid
0 Cache line is not valid.
1 Cache line is valid.
The valid indicator for the cache line read by
25:26 TPAR Tag Parity
The parity bits for the address tag for the cache
line read by icread, if CCR0[CRPE] is set.
27 DAPAR Instruction Data parity
The parity bit for the instruction word at the 32-bit
effective address specified in the icread instruc-
tion, if CCR0[CRPE] is set.
28:31 Reserved
Figure 4-9. Instruction Cache Debug Tag Register Low (ICDBTRL)
0:21 Reserved
22 TS Translation Space
The address space portion of the virtual address
associated with the cache line read by icread.
0 31
0 23 24 25 26 27 28 31
0 21 22 23 24 31