User’s Manual
PPC440x5 CPU Core Preliminary
Page 24 of 589
September 12, 2002
Contents, on page v.
Figures, on page xi.
Tables, on page xiii.
Index, on page 571.
The manual uses the following notational conventions:
• Active low signals are shown with an overbar (Active_Low)
• All numbers are decimal unless specified in some special way.
• 0bnnnn means a number expressed in binary format.
• 0xnnnn means a number expressed in hexadecimal format.
Underscores may be used between digits.
• RA refers to General Purpose Register (GPR) RA.
• (RA) refers to the contents of GPR RA.
• (RA|0) refers to the contents of GPR RA, or to the value 0 if the RA field is 0.
• Bits in registers, instructions, and fields are specified as follows.
• Bits are numbered most-significant bit to least-significant bit, starting with bit 0.
Note: This document differs from the Book-E architecture specification in the use of bit numbering
for architected registers. Book-E defines the full, 64-bit instruction set architecture, and all
registers are shown as having bit numbers from 0 to 63, with bit 63 being the least
significant. This manual describes a 32-bit subset implementation of the architecture.
Architected registers are described as being 32 bits long, with bits numbered from 0 to 31,
and with bit 31 being the least significant. When this document refers to register bits 0 to 31,
they actually correspond to bits 32 to 63 of the same register in the Book-E architecture
means bit p of register, instruction, or field X
means bits p through q of register, instruction, or field X
means bits p, q,... of register, instruction, or field X
• X[p] means a named field p of register X.
• X[p:q] means named fields p through q of register X.
• X[p,q,...]
means named fields p, q,... of register X.
• ¬X means the ones complement of the contents of X.
• A period (.) as the last character of an instruction mnemonic means that the instruction records status
information in certain fields of the Condition Register as a side effect of execution, as described in
Chapter 9, “Instruction Set.”
• The symbol || is used to describe the concatenation of two values. For example, 0b010 || 0b111 is the
same as 0b010111.
means x raised to the n power.