User’s Manual
PPC440x5 CPU Core Preliminary
Page 176 of 589
September 12, 2002
IVOR6 Program
Illegal Instruction x PIL
Privileged Instruction x PPR,[AP]
Trap x PTR
FP Enabled x x
AP Enabled x AP 8
Unimplemented Op x PUO,[FP,AP] 7
IVOR7 FP Unavailable FP Unavailable x 8
IVOR8 System Call System Call x
IVOR9 AP Unavailable AP Unavailable x 8
IVOR10 Decrementer Decrementer x EE DIE
IVOR11 Fixed Interval Timer Fixed Interval Timer x EE FIE
IVOR12 Watchdog Timer Watchdog Timer x x CE WIE
IVOR13 Data TLB Error Data TLB Miss x [ST],[FP,AP]
IVOR14 Instruction TLB Error Instruction TLB Miss x
IVOR15 Debug
Trap x x x DE IDM 3
Instruction Address Compare x x x DE IDM 3
Data Address Compare xxxx DE IDM3
Data Value Compare xxxx DEIDM3
Instruction Complete x x x DE IDM 3
Branch Taken x x DE IDM 3
Return x x x DE IDM 3
Interrupt x x DE IDM
Unconditional x x DE IDM
Table 6-2. Interrupt and Exception Types
IVOR Interrupt Type Exception Type
Synchronous, Precise
Synchronous, Imprecise
(See Note 4)
MSR Mask Bit(s)
DBCR0/TCR Mask Bit