Load Word and Zero with Update Indexed
Preliminary PPC440x5 CPU Core User’s Manual
September 12, 2002 Page 343 of 589
Load Word and Zero with Update Indexed
EA ← (RA|0) + (RB)
← EA
← MS(EA,4)
An effective address (EA) is formed by adding an index to a base address. The index is the contents of
register RB. The base address is 0 if the RA field is 0 and is the contents of register RA otherwise. The EA is
placed into register RA.
The word at the EA is placed into register RT.
If instruction bit 31 contains 1, the contents of CR[CR0] are undefined.
Registers Altered
Invalid Instruction Forms
• Reserved fields
lwzux RT, RA, RB
31 RT RA RB 55
0 6 11 16 21 31