3.16.4 Descriptor RAM
This area stores descriptor that is defined in USB. Device, Config, Interface, Endpoint
and String descriptor must set to RAM by using following format.
Note 1: If String Descriptor is supported, set StringxLength area to size0. No support String Dedcriptor
is returned STALL.
Note 2: Config Descriptior refers to descriptor sample.
Note 3: Sequencer in UDC decides Config number, Interface number and Endpoint number. Therefore,
if supporting Endpoint number is small, assign address according as priority.
Note 4: This function become effective only case of store descriptor as RAM.
Note 5: RAM size is total 384 bytes.
Note 6: Possible timing in RD/WR of descriptor RAM is only before detect USB_RESET and processing
SET_DESCRIPTOR request. (Prohibit access except this timing.)
Writing must finish before connect to USB host and processing SET_DESCRIPTOR request.
SET_DESCRIPTOR request processes from INT_SETUP assert until access EOP register.
Device descriptor
18 bytes
Config 1 descriptor
(Interfaces, endpoints)
Under 255 bytes
Config 2 descriptor
(Interfaces, ENDPOINT)
Under 255 bytes
String0 length 1 byte
String1 length 1 byte
String2 length 1 byte
String3 length 1 byte
String0 descriptor
Under 63 bytes
String1 descriptor
Under 63 bytes
String2 descriptor
Under 63 bytes
String3 descriptor
Under 63 bytes