Table 3.4.4 Recommended Pin Connections
Recommended Pin Connections for Each Download Method
Port Name
P90 TXD0 Output No special setting is needed
for booting via USB.
P91 RXD0 Input
Connect to the level shifter.
Add a pull-up resistor (100
kΩ recommended) to prevent
transition to UART processing.
−−− D+ I/O No special setting is needed
for booting via UART.
Connect to the USB connector
by adding a dumping resistor
(27Ω recommended) and a
programmable pull-up resistor
(1.5 kΩ recommended). When
USB is not accessed, the pin
level should be fixed with a
resistor to prevent flow-through
−−− D− I/O
If USB is not used, add a
pull-up or pull-down resistor to
prevent flow-through current
on the D+/D- pins.
Connect to the USB connector
by adding a dumping resistor
(27Ω recommended). When
USB is not accessed, the pin
level should be fixed with a
resistor to prevent flow-through
PU6 PUCTL Output
This pin is used to control
ON/OFF of the D+ pin’s
pull-up resistor. Add a switch
externally so that the pull-up is
turned on when “1”. Reset sets
this pin as an input port, so
add a pull-down resistor (100
kΩ recommended).
Note 1: When a user program is downloaded from UART and USB is used in the system, the pull-up resistor for USB’s D+ pin
should not be turned on in BOOT mode.
Note 2: When a user program is downloaded via USB, do not start the UART application software on the PC.
Note 3: When a user program is downloaded via UART, do not connect a USB connector.
Note 4: When USB is not used, the D+ and D- pins must be pulled up or down to prevent flow-through current.