Field Name Value Meaning
bLength 09H 9 bytes
bDescriptorType 02H Configuration descriptor
wTotalLength 0020H
Total length (32 bytes) which each descriptor of both
configuration descriptor, interface
and endpoint is added.
bNumInterfaces 01H There is one interface.
bConfigurationValue 01H Configuration number 1
iConfiguration 00H Index value of string descriptor indicating
configuration name (Not in use)
bmAttributes 80H Bus power
MaxPower 31H Maximum power consumption (49 mA)
Field Name Value Meaning
bLength 09H 9 bytes
bDescriptorType 04H Interface descriptor
bInterfaceNumber 00H Interface number 0
bAlternateSetting 00H Alternate setting number 0
bNumEndpoints 02H There are two endpoints.
bInterfaceClass FFH Specified device
bInterfaceSubClass 00H
bInterfaceProtocol 50H Bulk only protocol
iIinterface 00H Index value of string descriptor indicating interface
name (Not in use)
Field Name Value Meaning
blength 07H 7 bytes
bDescriptorType 05H Endpoint descriptor
bEndpointAddress 01H EP1= OUT
bmAttributes 02H Bulk transfer
wMaxPacketSize 0040H Payload 64 bytes
bInterval 00H (Ignored for bulk transfer)
bLength 07H 7 bytes
bDescriptor 05H Endpoint descriptor
bEndpointAddress 82H EP2 = IN
bmAttributes 02H Bulk transfer
wMaxPacketSize 0040H Payload 64 bytes
bInterval 00H (Ignored for bulk transfer)