(b) Control write/request
There is no dataphase
bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
010000xxB Vendor peculiar Vendor peculiar Vendor peculiar 0 None
When INT_SETUP is received, judge contents of receiving request by
bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength registers. And execute
transaction for each request. As application, access Setup_Received register
after request was judged. And it must inform that INT_SETUP interrupt was
recognized to UDC. If transaction of application finished, write “0” to EP0 bit
of EOP register. When UDC receive it, status stage finish automatically.
There is dataphase
bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
010000xxB Vendor peculiar Vendor peculiar Vendor peculiar Vendor peculiar
(Except for 0)
Vendor data
When INT_SETUP is received, judge contents of receiving device request
by bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength registers. And
execute transaction for each request. As application, access Setup_Received
register after request was judged. And it must inform that INT_SETUP
interrupt was recognized to UDC.
After receiving data prepared in application, access DATASET register, and
confirm EP0_DSET is “1”. After confirming, read data FIFO of endpoint 0. If
receiving data more than payload, write data after it confirmed whether a bit
of EP0_DSET_A in DATASET register is “1”. (INT_ENDPOINT0 interrupt is
can be used.) If reading all data finish, write “0” to EP0 bit of EOP register.
When UDC receive it, status stage finished automatically.
And when UDC finish status stage normally, INT_STATUS interrupt is
asserted. If finishing status stage normally is recognized to external
application, manage this stage by using this interrupt signal. If status stage
cannot be finished normally and during status stage, maybe new SETUP
token is received. In this case, when INT_SETUP interrupt signal is asserted,
“1” is set to STAGE_ERROR bit of EP0_STATUS register. And it informs it to
external that status stage cannot be finished normally.