3.5.1 General-purpose Interrupt Processing
When the CPU accepts an interrupt, it usually performs the following sequence of
operations. However, in the case of software interrupts and illegal instruction interrupts
generated by the CPU, the CPU skips steps (1) and (3), and executes only steps (2), (4), and
(1) The CPU reads the interrupt vector from the interrupt controller. When more than one
interrupt with the same priority level have been generated simultaneously, the
interrupt controller generates an interrupt vector in accordance with the default
priority and clears the interrupt requests. (The default priority is determined as
follows: The smaller the vector value, the higher the priority.)
(2) The CPU pushes the program counter (PC) and status register (SR) onto the top of the
stack (Pointed to by XSP).
(3) The CPU sets the value of the CPU’s interrupt mask register <IFF2:0> to the priority
level for the accepted interrupt plus 1. However, if the priority level for the accepted
interrupt is 7, the register’s value is set to 7.
(4) The CPU increments the interrupt nesting counter INTNEST by 1.
(5) The CPU jumps to the address given by adding the contents of address FFFF00H + the
interrupt vector, then starts the interrupt processing routine.
On completion of interrupt processing, the RETI instruction is used to return control
to the main routine. RETI restores the contents of the program counter and the status
register from the stack and decrements the interrupt nesting counter INTNEST by 1.
Non-maskable interrupts cannot be disabled by a user program. Maskable interrupts,
however, can be enabled or disabled by a user program. A program can set the priority
level for each interrupt source. (A priority level setting of 0 or 7 will disable an interrupt
request.) If an interrupt request is received for an interrupt with a priority level equal to
or greater than the value set in the CPU interrupt mask register <IFF2:0>, the CPU will
accept the interrupt. The CPU interrupt mask register <IFF2:0> is then set to the value
of the priority level for the accepted interrupt plus 1.
If during interrupt processing, an interrupt is generated with a higher priority than the
interrupt currently being processed, or if, during the processing of a non-maskable
interrupt processing, a non-maskable interrupt request is generated from another source,
the CPU will suspend the routine which it is currently executing and accept the new
interrupt. When processing of the new interrupt has been completed, the CPU will resume
processing of the suspended interrupt.
If the CPU receives another interrupt request while performing processing steps (1) to
(5), the new interrupt will be sampled immediately after execution of the first instruction
of its interrupt processing routine. Specifying DI as the start instruction disables nesting
of maskable interrupts.
After a reset, initializes the interrupt mask register <IFF2:0> to 111, disabling all
maskable interrupts.
Table 3.5.1 shows the TMP92CZ26A interrupt vectors and micro DMA start vectors.
FFFF00H to FFFFFFH (256 bytes) is designated as the interrupt vector area.