ISO transfer mode
Below is transfer condition of frame before one. Receiving SOF renews this.
Not transfer READY FULL
Finish normally DATAIN READY
Detect in error RXERR TXERR
Transfer mode of except ISO transfer
This is result previous transfer. When transfer finish, this is renewed.
Transfer finish normally DATAIN READY
Status stage finish READY READY
Transfer error RXERR TXERR
“Initial” is that renew RESET, USB reset, Current_Config register. In detect error, it
doesn’t generate EPx_DATASET except toggle transfer mode and Isochronous transfer
mode of interrupt.
5 to 7 in showing of status register mean that endpoint is special condition.
5 BUSY BUSY generate only endpoint of control transfer. If UDC transfer in control writes transfer,
when CPU isn’t finishing enumeration transaction, and if it receive ID of status stage from
USB host, BUZY is set. STATUS is BUZY until CPU finishes enumeration transaction and
EP0 bit of EOP register is written 0 in UDC. If CPU enumeration transaction finishes and
EP0 bit of EOP register is written 0 and status stage from USB host finish normally, it
displays READY.
Please refer to 5.2.3 in chapter 5.
6 STALL STALL show that endpoint is STALL condition.
This condition generate if it violates protocol or error in bus enumeration. If return endpoint
to condition that transfer can normally, device request of USB is needed. This request
returns condition normally. But control endpoint returns to condition normally by receiving
SETUP token. And it become to SETUP stage.
7 INVALID This condition shows condition that endpoint can’t be used. UDC sets condition that isn’t
appointed in ENDPOINT to INVALID condition, and it ignores all of token for this endpoint.
In initializing, this condition generate always. When UDC detects hardware reset, it sets all
endpoint to INVALID condition. Next, if USB reset is received, endpoint 0 only is renewed to
READY. Other endpoint that is defined on disruptor, is renewed if SET_CONFIG request
finish normally.