82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — PHY Registers
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
322 January 2011 Link Health Register - LINK (19d; RO)
MDI-X Mode 13 Force MDI-X mode. Valid only when operating in manual
mode. (PHY register 18d, bit 12 = 0b.
1b = MDI-X (cross over).
0b = MDI (no cross over).
R/W 0b
Reserved 14 Always read as 0b. Write to 0b for normal operation. R/W 0b
Jitter Test Clock 15 This configuration bit is used to enable the 82575 to drive its
differential transmit clock out through the appropriate Analog
Test (ATEST+/-) output pads. This feature is required in order
to demonstrate conformance to the IEEE Clause 40 jitter
When high, it sends Jitter Test Clock out.
This bit works in conjunction with internal PHY register 4011h,
bit 15. In order to have the clock probed out, it is required to
perform the following write sequence:
PHY register 18d, bit 15 = 1b
PHY register 31d = 4010h (page select)
PHY register 17d = 0080h
PHY register 31d = 0000h (page select)
R/W 0b
Field Bit(s) Description Mode HW Rst
Valid Channel A 0 The channel A DSP had converged to incoming data. RO 0b
Valid Channel B 1 The channel B DSP had converged to incoming data. RO 0b
Valid Channel C 2 The channel C DSP had converged to incoming data. RO 0b
Valid Channel D 3 The channel D DSP had converged to incoming data.
If An_Enable is true, valid_chan_A = dsplockA latched on the
rising edge of link_fail_inhibit_timer_done and link = 0b. If
An_enable is false, valid_chan_
A = dsplockA.
RO 0b
Auto-Negotiation Active 4 Auto-Negotiate is actively deciding HCD. RO 0b
Reserved 5 Always read as 0b. RO 0b
Auto-Negotiation Fault 6 Auto-Negotiate Fault: This is the logical OR of PHY register 01d,
bit 4, PHY register 06d, bit 4, and PHY register 10d, bit 15.
RO 0b
Reserved 7 Always read as 0b. RO 0b
Data Err[0] 8 Mode:
10: 10 Mbps polarity error.
100: Symbol error.
1000: Gig idle error.
LH 0b
Data Err[1] 9 Mode:
10: N/A.
100: Scrambler unlocked.
1000: Local receiver not OK.
RO/LH 0b
Count Overflow 10 32 idle error events were counted in less than 1 ms. RO/LH 0b
Gigabit Rem Rcvr NOK 11 Gig has detected a remote receiver status error. This is a
latched high version of PHY register 10d, bit 12.
RO/LH 0b
Field Bit(s) Description Mode Default