Statistics — Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 453
16.0 Statistics
The 82575 supports different statistics counters as described in Section 14.0. The statistics can be used
to create statistics reports according to different standards. The 82575 statistics allows support for the
following standards:
• IEEE 802.3 clause 30 management - DTE section
• RFC 2819 - RMON Ethernet statistics group
• Linux Kernel (version 2.6) net_device_stats
The following section describes the matching between the internal statistics and the counters requested
by the different standards.
16.1 IEEE 802.3 Clause 30 Management
The 82575 supports the Basic and Mandatory Packages defined in clause 30 of the IEEE 802.3
specification. The following table lists the matching between the internal statistics and the counters
requested by these packages.
In addition, part of the recommended package is also implemented as listed in the following table:
Mandatory Package
82575 Counter Notes and Limitations
FramesTransmittedOK GPTC The 82575 doesn’t include flow control packets.
SingleCollisionFrames SCC
MultipleCollisionFrames MCC
FramesReceivedOK GPRC The 82575 doesn’t include flow control packets.
FrameCheckSequenceErrors CRCERRS,
CRCERRS also includes alignment errors. In order to obtain
FrameCheckSequenceErrors, ALGNERRC should be subtracted from
AlignmentErrors ALGNERRC
Recommended Package Capability 82575 Counter Notes and Limitations
OctetsTransmittedOK GOTCH/GOTCL The 82575 also counts the DA/SA/LT/CRC as part
of the octets. The 82575 doesn’t count flow control
FramesWithDeferredXmissions DC
LateCollisions LATECOL
FramesAbortedDueToXSColls ECOL