Hardware Accessed Words — Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 77 PXE Version (Word 32h)
Word 32h of the EEPROM is used to store the version of the boot agent that is stored in the flash image.
When the Boot Agent loads, it can check this value to determine if any first-time configuration needs to
be performed. The agent then updates this word with its version. Some diagnostic tools to report the
version of the Boot Agent in the flash also read this word. The format of this word is: IBA Capabilities (Word 33h)
Word 33h of the EEPROM is used to enumerate the boot technologies that have been programmed into
the flash. This is updated by flash configuration tools and is not updated or read by IBA. Setup Options PCI Function 1 (Word 34h)
This word is the same as word 30h, but for function 1 of the device.
4 DLWS 0b Disable Legacy Wakeup Support.
If this bit is set to 1, the user is not allowed to change the Legacy OS
Wakeup Support menu option. Default value is 0.
3 DBS 0b Disable Boot Selection.
If this bit is set to 1, the user is not allowed to change the boot order menu
option. Default value is 0.
2 DPS 0b Disable Protocol Select. If set to 1, the user is not allowed to change the
boot protocol. Default value is 0.
1 DTM 0b Disable Title Message.
If this bit is set to 1, the title message displaying the version of the Boot
Agent is suppressed; the Control-S message is also suppressed. This is for
OEMs who do not wish the boot agent to display any messages at system
boot. Default value is 0.
0 DSM 0b Disable Setup Menu.
If this bit is set to 1, the user is not allowed to invoke the setup menu by
pressing Control-S. In this case, the EEPROM may only be changed via an
external program. Default value is 0.
Bit(s) Name
15 - 12 MAJ 0x0 PXE Boot Agent Major Version. Default value is 0.
11 – 8 MIN 0x0 PXE Boot Agent Minor Version. Default value is 0.
7 – 0 BLD 0x0 PXE Boot Agent Build Number. Default value is 0.
Bit(s) Name Default Function
15 - 14 SIG 0x1 Signature.
Must be set to 01 to indicate that this word has been programmed by the
agent or other configuration software.
13 – 5 RFU 0b Reserved. Must be 0.
4 ISCSI 0b iSCSI Boot is present in flash if set to 1.
3 EFI 0b EFI UNDI driver is present in flash if set to 1.
2 Reserved 0b Set to 0.
1 UNDI 0b PXE UNDI driver is present in flash if set to 1.
0 BC 0b PXE Base Code is present in flash if set to 1.