82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Immediate Interrupt Rx Extended - IMIREXT
(05AA0h + 4*n [n = 0..7]; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
350 January 2011
14.3.47 Immediate Interrupt Rx Extended - IMIREXT
(05AA0h + 4*n [n = 0..7]; R/W)
Note: The size used for this comparison is the size of the packet as forwarded to the host and
does not include any of the fields stripped by the MAC (VLAN or CRC). As a result, setting
the RCTL.SECRC & CTRL.VME bits should be taken into account while calculating the size
Note: The value of the IMIR and IMIREXT registers after reset is unknown (apart from the
IMIR.PORT_IM_EN bit which is guaranteed to be cleared). Therefore, both registers should
be programmed before IMIR.PORT_IM_EN is set for a given flow.
14.3.48 Immediate Interrupt Rx VLAN Priority - IMIRVP
(05AC0h; R/W)
Field Bit(s)
Size_Thresh 11:0 X Size Threshold
These 12 bits define a size threshold; a packet with a length below this threshold
triggers an interrupt. Enabled by Size_Thresh_en.
CtrlBit 18:13 X Control Bit
When a bit in this field equals 1b, an interrupt is immediately issued after receiving a
packet with the corresponding TCP control bits turned on.
Bit 13 (URG): Urgent pointer field significant
Bit 14 (ACK): Acknowledgment field
Bit 15 (PSH): Push function
Bit 16 (RST): Reset the connection
Bit 17 (SYN): Synchronize sequence numbers
Bit 18 (FIN): No more data from sender
CtrlBit_BP 19 X Control Bits Bypass
When set to 1b, the control bits check is bypassed.
When set to 0b, the control bits check is performed.
Reserved 31:20 0h Reserved
Field Bit(s)
Vlan_Pri 2:0 000b VLAN Priority
This field includes the VLAN priority threshold. When Vlan_pri_en is set to 1b, then an
incoming packet with a VLAN tag with a priority equal or higher to VlanPri triggers an
immediate interrupt, regardless of the EITR moderation.
Vlan_pri_en 3 0b VLAN Priority Enable
When set to 1b, an incoming packet with VLAN tag with a priority equal or higher to
Vlan_Pri triggers an immediate interrupt, regardless of the EITR moderation.
When set to 0b, the interrupt is moderated by EITR.
Reserved 31:4 0h Reserved