EEPROM Map — Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
324632-003 Intel
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Revision: 2.1 Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide
January 2011 53
09h SW PBA Byte 3 PBA Byte 4
0Ah HW Initialization Control 1 All
0Bh HW Subsystem ID Both
0Ch HW Subsystem Vendor ID All
0Dh HW Device ID LAN 0
0Eh HW Reserved All
0Fh HW Initialization Control 2 All
10h HW Software Defined Pins Control LAN 1
11h HW Device ID LAN 1
12h HW EEPROM Sizing & Protected Fields Both
13h HW Reserved Both
14h HW Initialization Control 3 XXXXh LAN 1
15h HW NC-SI Configuration PCIe* Completion Timeout
16h HW MSI-X Configuration Both
17h FW Firmware Start Address (Including PHY Initialization Address) Both
18h HW PCIe* Initialization Configuration 1 Both
19h HW PCIe* Initialization Configuration 2 Both
1Ah HW PCIe* Initialization Configuration 3 Both
1Bh HW PCIe* Control Both
1Ch HW LEDCTL 1 3 Default Both
1Dh HW Dummy Function Device ID Both
1Eh HW Device Revision ID Both
1Fh FW LEDCTL 0 2 Default Both
20h HW Software Defined Pins Control LAN 0
21h HW Functions Control Both
22h HW LAN Power Consumption 280Ch Both
23h HW Management Hardware Configuration Control Both
24h HW Initialization Control 3 XXXXh LAN 0
HW Reserved Both
2Ch HW End of RO Area Both
2Dh HW Start of RO Area Both
2Eh HW Watchdog Configuration Both
2Fh OEM VPD Pointer
30h PXE Main Setup Options PCI Function 0 (Word 30h)
31h PXE Configuration Customization Options PCI Function 0 (Word 31h)
32h PXE PXE Version (Word 32h)
33h PXE IBA Capabilities (Word 33h)
34h PXE Setup Options PCI Function 1 (Word 34h)
35h PXE Configuration Customization Options PCI Function 1 (Word 35h)
36h PXE iSCSI Option ROM Version (Word 36h)
37h PXE Alternate MAC Address Pointer (Word 37h)
38h PXE Setup Options PCI Function 2 (Word 38h)
Table 4. 82575 EEPROM Map
High Byte (15:8) Low Byte (7:0)
LAN 0/1