Version Description Introduced.
The following describes the show track ipv6 route command shown in the
Example below.
Output Description
Track object-id Displays the number of the tracked object.
Interface type
slot/port, IP route
ip-address, IPv6
route ipv6-
Displays the interface type and slot/port number or address
of the IPv4/IPv6 route that is being tracked.
object is Up/
Up/Down state of tracked object; for example, IPv4
interface, reachability or metric threshold of an IP route.
number changes,
last change time
Number of times that the state of the tracked object has
changed and the time since the last change in
First hop interface Displays the type and slot/port number of the first-hop
interface of the tracked route.
Tracked by Client that is tracking an object’s state; for example, VRRP.
Dell#show track ipv6 route
Track 2
IPv6 route 2040::/64 metric threshold
Metric threshold is Up (STATIC/0/0)
5 changes, last change 00:02:30
Metric threshold down 255 up 254
First-hop interface is TenGigabitEthernet 1/2
Tracked by:
VRRP TenGigabitEthernet 2/4 IPv6 VRID 1
Track 3
IPv6 route 2050::/64 reachability
Reachability is Up (STATIC)
5 changes, last change 00:02:30
First-hop interface is TenGigabitEthernet 1/2
Tracked by:
VRRP TenGigabitEthernet 2/4 IPv6 VRID 1
The following describes the show track ipv6 route brief command shown in the
Example below.
Ouput Description
ResID Number of the tracked object.
Resource Type of tracked object.
Parameter Detailed description of the tracked object.
Object Tracking