host ip-address Enter the keyword host then the IP address to specify a host
IP address.
dscp Enter this keyword dscp to deny a packet based on the
DSCP value. The range is from 0 to 63.
bit Enter a flag or combination of bits:
• ack: acknowledgement field
• fin: finish (no more data from the user)
• psh: push function
• rst: reset the connection
• syn: synchronize sequence numbers
• urg: urgent field
operator (OPTIONAL) Enter one of the following logical operand:
• eq = equal to
• neq = not equal to
• gt = greater than
• lt = less than
• range = inclusive range of ports (you must specify two
ports for the port command)
port port
Enter the application layer port number. Enter two port
numbers if using the range logical operand. The range is
from 0 to 65535.
The following list includes some common TCP port
• 23 = Telnet
• 20 and 21 = FTP
• 25 = SMTP
• 169 = SNMP
destination Enter the IP address of the network or host to which the
packets are sent.
mask Enter a network mask in /prefix format (/x) or A.B.C.D. The
mask, when specified in A.B.C.D format, may be either
contiguous or non-contiguous.
count (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword count to count packets the
filter processes.
byte (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword byte to count bytes the filter
order (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword order to specify the QoS
priority for the ACL entry. The range is from 0 to 254 (where
0 is the highest priority and 254 is the lowest; lower-order
Access Control Lists (ACL)