Unit Bay Status Type FanStatus FanSpeed(rpm)
1 1 up AC up 18528
1 2 absent absent 0
-- Fan Status --
Unit Bay TrayStatus Fan1 Speed Fan2 Speed
1 1 up up 19275 up 19275
1 2 absent
1 3 up up 19275 up 18904
Speed in RPM
• show version – displays the Dell Networking OS version.
• show hardware stack-unit – displays the data plane and management plane
input and output statistics of a particular stack member.
show tech-support
Display a collection of data from other show commands, necessary for Dell Networking technical support
to perform troubleshooting.
show tech-support [stack-unit unit-id | page]
stack-unit (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords stack-unit to view CPU
memory usage for the stack member designated by unit-id.
The unit ID range for the S4820T is from 0 to 11.
page (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword page to view 24 lines of text
at a time. Press the SPACE BAR to view the next 24 lines.
Press the ENTER key to view the next line of text.
When using the pipe command ( | ), enter one of these
keywords to filter command output. For details about
filtering commands, refer to CLI Basics.
save Enter the keyword save to save the command output.
flash: Save to local flash drive (flash://filename. A
maximum of 20 characters.
EXEC Privilege
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking version history for this command.
Control and Monitoring