Dell 9.8(0.0) Network Router User Manual

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upgrade system
Upgrade the Dell Networking OS image. To upgrade the bootflash or bootselector image, use the
upgrade boot command.
upgrade system {flash: | ftp: | nfsmount: | scp: | stack-unit
{stack-unit-id | all} | tftp: | usbflash:} file-url {A: |B:}
system Enter the keyword system to upgrade the operating system
(OS) image.
flash: file-url Enter the keyword flash: and specify the location of the
image file in the format
//directory-path or press Enter
to launch a prompt sequence.
ftp: file-url Enter the keyword ftp: and specify the location of the
image file in the format //userid:password@host-ip/
filepath or press Enter to launch a prompt sequence.
Enter the keyword nfsmount: and specify the location of
the image file in the format //<mount-point>/filepath.
scp: file-url Enter the keyword scp: and specify the location of the
image file in the format userid:password@host-ip/
filepath or press Enter to launch a prompt sequence.
Enter the keyword stack-unit and specify the stack-unit
ID to sync the image to that stack-unit.
stack-unit all Enter the keyword stack-unit followed by the keyword
all to sync the image on all stack-units.
tftp: file-url Enter the keyword tftp: and specify the location of the
image file in the format
//host-ip/filepath or press
Enter to launch a prompt sequence.
usbflash: file-
Enter the keyword usbflash: and specify the location of
the source file in the format
//directory-path to upgrade
form an external flash device or press Enter to launch a
prompt sequence.
A: | B: Specify the flash partition of the operating-system image to
be upgraded.
Defaults none
EXEC Privilege
File Management