deny RT:1234:12
permit regexp 123
deny regexp 234
deny regexp 123
IPv6 BGP Commands
IPv6 border gateway protocol (IPv6 BGP) is supported on the S4820T platform.
BGP is an external gateway protocol that transmits interdomain routing information within and between
Autonomous Systems (AS). Basically, two routers (called neighbors or peers) exchange information
including full routing tables and periodically send messages to update those routing tables.
clear ip bgp ipv6 unicast soft
Clear and reapply policies for IPv6 unicast routes without resetting the TCP connection; that is, perform
BGP soft reconfiguration.
clear ip bgp {* | as-number | ipv4-neighbor-addr | ipv6-
neighbor-addr | peer-group name} ipv6 unicast soft [in | out]
* Clear and reapply policies for all BGP sessions.
as-number Clear and reapply policies for all neighbors belonging to the
AS. The range is from 0 to 65535 (2 Byte), from 1 to
4294967295 (4 Byte), or from 0.1 to 0.65535.65535 (Dotted
addr | ipv6-
Clear and reapply policies for a neighbor.
Clear and reapply policies for all BGP routers in the specified
peer group.
ipv6 unicast Clear and reapply policies for all IPv6 unicast routes.
in Reapply only inbound policies.
NOTE: If you enter soft, without an in or out option,
both inbound and outbound policies are reset.
out Reapply only outbound policies.
NOTE: If you enter soft, without an in or out option,
both inbound and outbound policies are reset.
Border Gateway Protocol