• copy running-config ftp:
• copy running-config nfsmount://<mount-point>/filepath
You can compress the running configuration by grouping all the VLANs and the
physical interfaces with the same property. Support to store the operating
configuration to the startup config in the compressed mode and to perform an
image downgrade without any configuration loss are provided.
Two existing exec mode CLIs are enhanced to display and store the running
configuration in the compressed mode.
Dell#copy running-config scp:/
Address or name of remote host []:
Destination file name [startup-config]? old_running
User name to login remote host? sburgess
Password to login remote host? dilling
In this copy scp: flash: example, specifying SCP in the first position indicates
that the target is to be specified in the ensuing prompts. Entering flash: in the
second position indicates that the target is the internal Flash. The source is on a
secure server running SSH, so you are prompted for the user datagram protocol
(UDP) port of the SSH server on the remote host.
Dell#copy running-config nfsmount://<mount-point>/filepath
Destination file name [test.txt]:
User name to login remote host: usrname
Password to login remote host:
Dell#copy scp: flash:
Address or name of remote host []:
Port number of the server [22]: 99
Source file name []: test.cfg
User name to login remote host: admin
Password to login remote host:
Destination file name [test.cfg]: test1.cfg
Dell#copy compressed-config compressed-cfg
6655 bytes successfully copied
FTOS#copy compressed-config ftp:
Address or name of remote host []:
Destination file name [startup-config]:
User name to login remote host: spbalaji
Password to login remote host:
6655 bytes successfully copied
cd – changes the working directory.
File Management