Dell 9.8(0.0) Network Router User Manual

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Hardware Commands
These commands display information from a hardware sub-component or ASIC.
clear hardware stack-unit
Clear statistics from selected hardware components.
clear hardware stack-unit id {counters | unit 0–0 counters |
cpu data-plane statistics | cpu i2c statistics | cpu party-bus
statistics | cpu sata-interface statistics | stack-port 0–127}
stack-unit id Enter the keywords stack-unit then a number to select a
particular stack member and then enter one of the following
command options to clear a specific collection of data. The
range is from 0 to 11.
counters Enter the keyword counters to clear the counters on the
selected stack member.
unit number
Enter the keyword unit along with a port-pipe number,
then the keyword counters to clear the counters on the
selected port-pipe. The range is from 0 to 0.
cpu data-plane
Enter the keywords cpu data-plane statistics to clear
the data plane statistics.
cpu party-bus
Enter the keywords cpu party-bus statistics to clear
the management statistics.
stack-port Enter the keywords stack-port then the port number of
the stacking port to clear the statistics of the particular
stacking port. The range is from 0 to 63.
Defaults none
EXEC Privilege
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
Version Description
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON. Introduced on the S6000. Introduced on the S4820T.
Debugging and Diagnostics