Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.1 Resource Domain Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
4 Click the [Set] button.
The changed Assignable Resources are displayed with yellow backgrounds.
(This screen is displayed when logged on the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series in which
the Resource Domains are registered using a Total Administrator account.)
→ The [Assign Numerical Resource (Check Setting)] screen appears.
• For "Assignable Resources", smaller values than "Assigned
Resources" can be specified.
• The total number of "Assignable Resources" for each domain is
displayed in "Total Assignable Resources". If the total value
exceeds the "Maximum Assignable Resources", the [Set] button
cannot be clicked.
• For Logical Volumes, Assignable Resources include the following
- Logical Volumes in which the volume type is "Open", "SDV",
and "TPV"
- Concatenation destination volumes for LUN Concatenation
- Work volumes when performing RAID Migration (volumes
temporarily created during the RAID Migration, and deleted
after the process is complete)
- Work volumes when performing balancing of a Thin
Provisioning Volume (volumes temporarily created during the
balancing of a Thin Provisioning Volume, and deleted after the
process is complete)
Set a sufficient number of Assignable Resources for Logical
Volumes. If the Assignable Resources for a Logical Volume in the
domain are not enough, some functions, such as LUN
Concatenation, RAID Migration, and Balance Thin Provisioning
Volume, cannot be used.