
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
3 Select a volume selection method, and click the [Set] button.
Select from the following.
Select Individual Selection or Range Selection, and format.
The [Format Logical Volume (Select Volume)] screen appears.
Move on to Step 4
Select all volumes and format.
The [Format Logical Volume (Check Format Execution)] screen appears.
Move on to Step 5
4 Select volumes to format, and click the [Set] button.
The three methods below show how to specify the volume to be formatted.
A concatenated volume is formatted by the concatenated volume units.
Individual Selection (Multiple selections can be made)
Select the volume to format from the volume list.
Range (Mainframe)
Enter the first and last volume numbers to be formatted in the From/To fields.
Volumes with checkboxes in the specified range can be formatted.
Mainframe Volumes, MVV Volumes, and MVV Concatenated Volumes can be
Range (Open)
Enter the first and last volume numbers to be formatted in the From/To fields.
Volumes with checkboxes in the specified range can be formatted.
Open Volumes, Snap Data Volumes, Snap Data Pool Volumes, Open Concatenated
Volumes, Thin Provisioning Volumes, MVV Volumes, and MVV Concatenated Volumes
can be formatted.