Fujitsu DX400 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
P2X0-0760-02ENZ0 Change Affinity Group
This section explains procedures to change the registered Affinity Group. Affinity Group name
and LUN Mapping information can be changed.
1 Click [Set Affinity Group] under the Host Interface Management in the
[Configuration] menu.
The [Set Affinity Group (Initial)] screen appears.
2 Click the [Affinity Group No.] link to be changed.
The [Set Affinity Group (Set LUN Mapping)] screen appears.
Host access does not need to be halted when adding LUN Mapping
information (LUNs and Logical Volume numbers).
Host access to the associated Affinity Groups does need to be halted
when changing/deleting LUN Mapping information (LUNs and Logical
Volume numbers).
When Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series, and when logged on using a Total Administrator
account, the [Resource Domain to display] list box and the [Refine]
button are displayed. Select the Resource Domain for the Affinity
Group to be displayed from the [Resource Domain to display] list box
and click the [Refine] button to display the Affinity Groups that are
assigned to the selected Resource Domain. After refining the
displayed Affinity Groups, the [Resource Domain] field in the [Affinity
Group List] is not displayed.